Report on the influence of bee immunity booster on bee lifespan

2 May 2024

Bee Immunity Booster is a product with tonic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antioxidant actions specially designed to increase the lifespan of bees. The chemicalization of agriculture, beekeepers’ desire to maximize honey production through irrational feeding practices that exhaust the bees, reduction in floral biodiversity, monoculture pollen and nectar collections, periods of total lack of forage leading to decreased global bee immunity, and irrational exploitation through hive movement and large agglomerations have resulted in losses of vitality and even epidemics among these species. Hence, the necessity arose for the development of a product that could increase the lifespan of bees. Extending the average lifespan of bees means stronger colonies, and ultimately, greater economic profitability.

This study has two objectives. Firstly, it aims to pretest the product “Bee Immunity Booster” prior to its launch on the market, regarding its beneficial effects on bees. Secondly, it seeks to measure the performance of “Bee Immunity Booster” compared to other products available in the market.

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