Candy Super Protein and Super Protein Pattie palatability

28 Aug 2024

In order to optimize the products of Dulcofruct Bee Nutrition Science, experiments were conducted between February and March 2023 regarding the palatability of the company’s protein products (Candy Board Super Protein© and Super Protein Pattie©), as well as competing commercial products. We define palatability of a product intended for consumption by bees as the property that determines its acceptance and consumption.

In this report, we present the experimental design and the results obtained. Another objective was to scientifically validate the ingredients used in three Dulcofruct Bee Nutrition Science products: ApiPollen Substitute©, Super Protein Pattie©, and Candy Board Super Protein©. It should be noted that ApiPollen Substitute© serves as the protein base for the other two mentioned products.

Note: You will see other products in the trials are not listed by their tradenames – and instead are described as “Product from its origin country” or something similar. We did this out of respect for the products and their companies. They are some of the most well-known and respected products in the industry.

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