Apipollen Substitute
- Increases queen egg-laying;
- Increases royal jelly production;
- Eliminates nutritional stress on honey bees;
- Rebuilds the protein stock in the body;
- Aids in the reproduction of queens, foragers, and new colonies;
- Use where hives are located near monocultures/low-quality pollen;
ApiPollen Substitute in dry state/POWDER:
Place the product in a recipient with orifices that allow the bees circulate. Administer about 700gr ApiPollen Substitute in dry state/bees family, protecting the product from wind and humidity.
ApiPollen Substitute mixed with sugars:
CANDY: Mix 175 gr ApiPollen Substitute/825 gr sugars/carbohydrates (different combinations between honey, HFCS, sugar), at temperatures of up until 40°C. Put the mixted paste in bags on top of the frames.
Other details:
Storage conditions: between 0°C and +30°C.
Shelf life: 12 months
Packaging: 2 kg/bucket, 7 kg/bucket, 700kg/big bag.
Vegetable proteins from soy and yeast, oils rich in oleic acid, vegetable oils: marigold, chamomile, coriander, lovage, lemon grass, artichoke.
Vitamins: Pan Ca, Niacin, A, B1, B12, B2, B9, C, D2, E, B6, D3.
Excipients, probiotic bacteria, citric acid, mineral complex: K, Mg, Zn, P, Na, Cu, Fe, Co, Ca, Mn.
Amino acids: Tryptophan, Threonine, Methionine, Histidine, Phenylalanine, Arginine, Isoleucine, Valine, Lysine, Leucine.